For over six decades, the Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village has been a hub for photography enthusiasts. Its motto “Bringing the World to the Village” reflects a vibrant community of members dedicated to the art of photography.
Membership: Welcoming both residents of Laguna Woods Village and certain non-residents under special provisions, the Club offers annual memberships, which vary in fees based on the date of joining.
Engaging Meetings: The Club’s calendar is dotted with various meetings including Showcases, “Club Nights”, and Digital Critiques. 2023 is set to host 10 Showcases and 2 Club Nights. Non-members wishing to attend Showcases can do so for a $5.00 fee. For those looking to keep their skills sharp, short-topic photography classes are offered sporadically, publicized through various mediums.
State-of-the-Art Photo Lab: Situated in Clubhouse 4, the Photo Lab boasts an array of advanced equipment. From Mac & PC computers, scanning tools, photo editing software, to professional printers, it’s a haven for photographers. The lab operates from 10:00AM–2:00PM, Tuesday to Friday.
Camaraderie Magazine: An award-winning quarterly publication, the Camraderie Magazine offers news and articles that cater to the interests of its members.
Education: A wide spectrum of educational opportunities awaits members. From Photography Workshops showcasing techniques for enhancing images to the club’s comprehensive Education program catering to both novice and adept photographers.
Showcases & Critiques: A testament to their motto, the Club’s Showcases bring international perspectives to the Village, presented by both Club members and seasoned photographers. Additionally, the Club holds Digital Critiques, judged by professionals, conducted via Zoom meetings.
Connect on TV & Social Media: Club members can showcase their work on Village TV, available on Channel 6 and 406. Moreover, the Club has an interactive presence on Facebook, including a page and a group dedicated to photo sharing and feedback. Details on how to join and participate are provided on their respective platforms.
Volunteer: As a community-driven club, it thrives on the participation of member volunteers who generously contribute their time and skills.
2023 Board Officers: The Board of Directors meets monthly and includes a dedicated team of officers:
- President: John Cornell ([email protected])
- Immediate Past President: Rodney Cooper ([email protected])
- 1st Vice President: Jack Salvador ([email protected])
- 2nd Vice President: Joel Goldstein ([email protected])
- Secretary: Mary Swift ([email protected])
- Treasurer: Rodney Cooper ([email protected])
- Member-at-Large: Jonathan Williams ([email protected])
- Member-at-Large: Mary Madden ([email protected])
For further assistance or information, please reach out to [email protected]. Explore, learn, and capture the world with the Camera Club of Laguna Woods Village!